Inclusive and Accessible
Yoga for All

About Us

Yoga Circle is a non-profit organization based in Singapore, dedicated to promote diversity and inclusivity in yoga.


Join us as a volunteer and be part of the team to bring more yoga to more people.


Create customized yoga events and programmes for your community.

How can we make Yoga Inclusive and Accessible?

Being the wonderful practice that it is, Yoga is something that everybody can benefit from. Apart from the physical benefits from practicing yoga, its breathing and mindfulness aspects are invaluable in enhancing one’s mental wellness and improving the quality of life.


Words With Wendy

To summarise an eventful and successful year for Yoga Circle, we sat down with our Founder, Wendy Chan to share her vision and objectives with our readers. Read on for the full interview!


Gift Ideas for Festive Season

It’s the festive season again! If you are looking for meaningful gifts this season, do consider getting some gift items put together by the Yoga Circle Team. We have gifts ideas like handmade soaps, bracelets, eye pillows and Yoga Circle tank-tops and T-shirts to choose from! All profits go towards our seed funding, which supports us in providing inclusive and accessible yoga for persons with disabilities and underprivileged communities.


Adaptive Chair Yoga Training

The essence of yoga, being an inclusive and universal practice, is embodied in adaptive chair yoga as we enable everyone who has a mind and body to practice yoga safely and enjoyably…

Anybody can practice Yoga
β€œAnyone who wants to can practice yoga. Anybody can breathe; therefore anybody can practice yoga. But no one can practice every kind of yoga. It has to be the right yoga for the person.”

T. K. V. Desikachar – The Heart of Yoga
Yoga is accessible to all of us
β€œYoga is not about having a flexible body; it’s about having a flexible mind, and it’s accessible to all of us.”

Jivana Heyman
We are all one
β€œWe are all the leaves of one tree. We are all the waves of one sea”

Thich Nhat Hanh